Masaan is a film based on the late Gopal Prasad Rimal's original story about social issues and women's demands for social justice during the Rana Regime or male-dominated society. The film tells the story of Helen, who leaves her home after discovering her husband...
I am Sorry (2012) Movie: Love Shared Secrecy
“I am Sorry” is the story of Shruti, a wealthy businessman's daughter, and Gaurav, a taxi driver who falls in love. As Shruti, who gets frustrated by his hectic life, wishes to live independently, Gaurav then assists her in finding a place to live. As they get to know...
Mahasus (2013) Movie: Sacrifice & Love
Mahasus tells the love story of Bishow and Gauri. Bishow is a successful businessman with a secretary named Bidhya. Bishow then falls for Bidhya and proposes to her, which she accepts, but it is soon revealed that Bidhya's kidneys have both failed. Then a poor and...
Ghampani (2017) Movie: Love’s Victory
Ghampani tells the story of Furba and Tara, who are romantically involved. Tara later attends higher education in the capital city of Kathmandu, while Furba remains in the village to teach. Tara soon returns to the village on vacation, and they quickly develop their...
Rajja Rani (2018) Movie: Love’s Societal Storm
Rajja Rani, a social drama film tells the story of Rajja and Rani set in the Terai region of Nepal. Rajja and Rani have a love and affection for each other, but their love story turned upside down involving abortion and societal issues including the Dowry system and...
Kagbeni (2008) Movie: Mysterious Monkey Paw
Kagbeni, follows Ramesh, a small liquor store owner, as he meets his childhood Krishna, who has returned from Malaysia to the village of Kagbeni. While traveling to a neighboring village, they receive a monkey’s paw from a hermit, which grants the owner’s wishes,...
Sadanga (2015) Movie: Betrayal & Survival
Sadanga, a crime action film directed by Suraj Sunuwar that follows Kalu and his friend Vicky as they work for the criminal businessman Raja. As they all seek power and money, Vicky grows close to Salina, Raja's girlfriend who cheats on him with Vicky. Later, when a...
Jhyanakuti (2017) Movie: Triumph Over Abuse
Jhyanakuti, a social drama film, tells the story of Budhhe and Malati, a married couple with an infant who is constantly in verbal and physical fights due to Buddhe’s drinking habits. Being an alcoholic and unemployed, with no emotional or financial support from...
Classic (2016) Movie: Musical Love Story
Classic tells the musical love story of Samay and Dristi, two blind singer-musicians. Dristi, an aspiring female singer at Blind Ashram, meets Samay, a band performer who has lost his vision and joins Ashram to assist Samay in her musical career. Classic Movie Credits...
November Rain (2014) Movie: Tragic Love Triangle
November Rain tells the story of Sheetal, Aayush, and Dalli, who develop a love triangle. Dalli has a one-sided crush on Aayush whereas Sheetal's medical father swaps Sheetal's heart with Aayush during their birth. Aayush seeks to learn the truth about his biological...
Kusume Rumal (1985) Movie: Classic Love Triangle
Kusume Rumal is a romantic film about Amar, Suniti, and Arjun as they navigate a triangular love story. Amar and Suniti are college friends and lovers; however, when Suniti returns home, Arjun, who works at her house, falls for her, and Suniti's classmate forces her...
Dui Rupaiyan (2017) Movie: Smuggling Fun
Asim Shah's Dui Rupaiyan depicts the story of Jureli and Dari, two gang members tasked with transporting gold from India into Nepal. Their boss hands them the Dui Rupaiyan note to show the Indian party, ensuring that the correct person receives the gold; but, when...