Woda Number 6 (2015) Movie: Maoist Revolution

The comedy-drama film follows Deep Kumar Sharma (Deepak) and four other characters as they participate in the Maoist revolution and the aftermath of the peace accord, with a focus on the village of Nuwakot. After Deep clashes with the Kaji family, the village’s elite, the five friends join a Maoist rebel group to exact revenge, providing a humorous adventure for the characters on their revenge mission.

Woda Number 6 Nepali Movie

Woda Number 6 Movie Credits

Director: Ujjwal Ghimire

Writer: Deepak Raj Giri

Cinematography: Deepak Bajracharya

Cast: Deepak Raj Giri, Priyanka Karki, Jitu Nepal, Kedar Ghimire, Sitaram Kattel, Dayahang Rai, Kishor Khatiwada, Dipa Shree Niraula, Ranjita Gurung, Shivahari Poudel, Sandip Chhetri and Wilson Bikram Rai.

Woda Number 6 Movie Release Date: 18 September 2015


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