Samragyee Rajya Laxmi Shah and Dhiraj Magar will star in a romantic film titled Rumani Rang, according to the film’s official announcement. Rumani Rang, directed by Anil Yonjan, is their second film together as leads following their romantic film ‘Intu Mintu London Ma’.
They have reunited after 5 years, and their romance and chemistry were well received by audiences in their previous film, ‘Intu Mintu London Ma’. Ninety percent of the film will be shot in Australia, with the remaining ten percent taking place in Kathmandu. According to the filmmakers, the film will depict a modern romantic story, and Rumani Rang is a colorful romantic story.
The film will portray the love that is easily broken and difficult to mend through comedy and tears, as well as the struggles of Nepali students living abroad. The film will be shown on a floor beginning the first week of Baisakh.