The film tells the story of Neer and Anjana, who were in love from a young age, but their love takes a tragic turn when Anjana dies at a young age, and many years later, Anjana’s twin sister, Ranjana, ends up loving Neer but he isn’t interested, but the story takes a turn with the spirit of the dead Anjana.
Nai Nabhannu La 5 Movie Credits
Director: Bikash Raj Acharya
Writer: Samipya Raj Timilsina and Bikash Raj Acharya.
Cinematography: Purushottam Pradhan
Cast: Swastima Khadka, Priyanka Karki, Niruta Singh, Dilip Rayamajhi, Keki Adhikari, Anubhav Regmi, and Sedrina Sharma.
Hajar Juni Samma Movie Release Date: 24 August 2018