Mr Jholay is a romantic comedy film that follows Purne, Karne, and Guna Prasad, three boyhood friends who desire to build a family by marrying a girl. And in that village, there is a girl named Sanu Maya who is born on a no moon day (Aunsi/bad luck), her father announces a cash prize for the groom, Purne, a lower caste family lad who has affection for her but she does not, and one of her friends, Guna, has a crush on Karne’s sister. This causes strife among the three buddies because they all want to marry.
Mr Jholay Credits
Director: Ram Babu Gurung
Writer: Ram Babu Gurung
Cinematography: Shailendra D. Karki
Cast: Dayahang Rai, Barsha Raut, Deeya Pun, Puskar Gurung, Buddhi Tamang, Praveen Khatiwada, Bijay Baral, Aruna Karki, Kamal Mani Nepal, Saroj Aryal, Niru Khadka, Laxmi Bardewa, Maotse Gurung, DB Gurung
Mr Jholay Movie Release Date: 12 January, 2018