Jhyanakuti (2017) Movie: Triumph Over Abuse

Jhyanakuti, a social drama film, tells the story of Budhhe and Malati, a married couple with an infant who is constantly in verbal and physical fights due to Buddhe’s drinking habits. Being an alcoholic and unemployed, with no emotional or financial support from Buddhe to his family, Malati abandons him leaving behind her infant, forcing Buddhe to care for the infant while also looking for his wife, Malati.

Jhyanakuti Movie Cast

Jhyanakuti Movie Credits

Director: Simosh Sunuwar

Writer: Pradeep Bhardwaj

Cinematography: Renisha Bantwa Rai

Cast: Saugat Malla, Benisha Hamal, Puskar Gurung, Astal Gurung, Sumi Moktan and Jeevan Bhattrai

Jhyanakuti Movie Release Date: 17 November 2017


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