The story of Phadindra, an innocent, poor, and hardworking man whose life changes when he receives a sack full of three crore Nepalese rupees (around US $200,000) and implements various ideas with his two friends to protect the money from the real owners, which have a great impact on their lives.
Jatra Movie Credits
Director: Pradeep Bhattarai
Writer: Pradeep Bhattarai
Cinematography: Dirgha Gurung
Cast: Bipin Karki, Barsha Raut, Rabindra Jha, Rabindra Singh Baniya, Kamal Mani Nepal, Praween Khatiwada, Prakash Ghimire, Prechya Bajracharya, Arbin Khadka, Bhola Raj Sapkota, Prem Pandey, Priyanka Jha, Nil Kaji Shakya, Sajan Thapa Magar, Sushmita Karki and Safar Pokharel.
Movie Release Date: 11 November 2016