Hostel follows the story of Aditya (Anmol KC), a rich and carefree young man who enters medical college & its hostel and forms a special friendship with Shree, Junge, Shristy, Monika, and Erica. However, his reckless behavior, including blackmailing the warden, causes a breakdown in his relationships, and the film explores themes of loneliness, remorse, and redemption as Aditya searches for a new start in life.
Hostel Movie Credits
Director: Hem Raj BC
Writer: Hem Raj BC
Cinematography: Hari Humagain
Cast: Anmol KC, Prakriti Shrestha, Gaurav Pahadi, Salon Basnet, Rita Basnet and Sunil Rawal.
Hostel Movie Release Date: 30 June 2013