Ghampani tells the story of Furba and Tara, who are romantically involved. Tara later attends higher education in the capital city of Kathmandu, while Furba remains in the village to teach. Tara soon returns to the village on vacation, and they quickly develop their relationship, which is noticed by Tara’s father, who is also a friend of Furba’s father.
Ghampani Movie Credits
Director: Dipendra Lama
Writer: Dipendra Lama
Cinematography: Shailendra D Karki
Cast: Dayahang Rai, Keki Adhikari, Ankeet Khadka, Silsa Jirel, Prakash Ghimire, Puskar Gurung, Buddhi Tamang, Kabita Ale, Aruna Karki and Amogh Pokharel
Ghampani Movie Release Date: 14 April 2017