The film tells the story of Shere (Nischal Basnet), who has returned from abroad with enough money to do something in his home village, such as buy land and begin farming. However, problems arise in his life as his land is wiped out by a flood, and his wife abandons him for her lover while he fights for his land with the help of his sister-in-law (Swastima Khadka).
Ghamad Shere Movie Credits
Director: Hem Raj BC
Writer: Hem Raj BC
Cinematography: Narendra Mainali
Cast: Nischal Basnet, Swastima Khadka, Gauri Malla, Sushma Niraula, Badal Bhatta, Lokendra Lekhak, Roy and Saroj Aryal
Ghamad Shere Movie Release Date: 08 November 2019