Following the success of Purano Dunga, Maotse Gurung and Dayahang Rai return with Dayarani, a drama film about the lives of a couple who are unable to have a baby, played by Dayahang Rai and Diya Pun.
The trailer has been uploaded on HighlightsNepal’s official YouTube channel, and it appears that the film will provide an authentic ride with an original story that will move and entertain the audience.
Dayahang Rai’s character appears to have a health condition that prevents him from having a baby, yet telling his wife the opposite. Because the couple is unable to have children, the wife suggests that he form a relationship with another girl, which he declines, but the story takes a turn as it appears he could be framed by a girl. The film will be released in theaters on February 9, 2024.