A social comedy-drama film, Chha Maya Chhapakai tells the story of Comrade BP Paudel (Deepak Raj Giri) in the aftermath of an earthquake when the water source in Ghaderi village has dried up, and BP Paudel dreams of bringing water to the village by winning a local election. While his political adversary, the village leader of Todke, obstructs his dream, BP soon falls for his daughter, resulting in a scuffle between the two parties.
Chha Maya Chhapakkai Credits
Director: Dipendra Lama
Writer: Deepak Raj Giri, Kedar Prasad Ghimire, Jitu Nepal and Abhimanyu Nirabhi.
Cinematography: Hari Humagain
Cast: Deepak Raj Giri, Keki Adhikari, Kedar Prasad Ghimire, Jitu Nepal, Supushpa Bhatta, Prakash Ghimire, Rama Thapaliya, Sarada Giri, Bishnu sapkota, Laxman Basnet, Sabin Bastola, Barsha Raut, Buddhi Tamang and Rajani Gurung.
Chha Maya Chhapakkai Movie Release Date: 11 October 2019