Bir Bikram tells the story of two best friends, Bir and Bikram (Dayahang and Anoop), who are separated during their childhood and later reunite as Bikram attempts to elope with Bir with Joon, but Bir has promised Bikram that he will keep Joon safe for him, causing Bikram to become Bir’s villain in order to unite the lovers while sacrificing friendship.
Bir Bikram Movie Credits
Director: Milan Chams
Writer: Milan Chams
Cinematography: Ram KC
Cast: Dayahang Rai, Arpan Thapa, Anup Bikram Shahi, Diya Pun, Najir Hussain, Shishir Rana, Basanta Bhatta and Binod Subedi Khatri
Bir Bikram Movie Release Date: 19 August 2016